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Bulletstorm Cliff Walk-Through VideoEpic Games and People Can Fly's Bulletstorm had a truly explosive E3 garnering 17 award nominations and 5 wins to date. Now we invite you to enter Bulletstorm's "Circle of Awesome" with this new dev diary narrated by Epic Games' Cliff Bleszinski. In this diary Cliff takes you on a bloody tour through the "Hideout" level and gives

Bulletstorm Cliff Walk-Through Video

Epic Games and People Can Fly's Bulletstorm had a truly explosive E3 garnering 17 award nominations and 5 wins to date. Now we invite you to enter Bulletstorm's "Circle of Awesome" with this new dev diary narrated by Epic Games' Cliff Bleszinski. In this diary Cliff takes you on a bloody tour through the "Hideout" level and gives you a play-by-play of the cat-and-mouse type gameplay that's possible in Bulletstorm. Will you have what it takes to "Kill with Skill" on February 22, 2011 on the box 360, PlayStation 3 or PC? Download and post this video and see!

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