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Please, Don't Touch Anything (the game)Studio Four Quarters and publisher BulkyPix are proud to announce the release of the enigmatic puzzle-game Please, Don't Touch Anything on Steam on Thursday, 26 March. Available only for PC at first, Mac and Linux versions will be released later on. The game is priced at $4.99. Steam keys are available on demand. Please, Don't Touch Anything is a

Please, Don't Touch Anything (the game)

Studio Four Quarters and publisher BulkyPix are proud to announce the release of the enigmatic puzzle-game Please, Don't Touch Anything on Steam on Thursday, 26 March. Available only for PC at first, Mac and Linux versions will be released later on. The game is priced at $4.99. Steam keys are available on demand.

Please, Don't Touch Anything is a mesmerizing pixel art experience. Sitting in front of a panel which only component is a red button, players will have to use their head to try and uncover 16 strange and disturbing endings. To do so, they will have to examine the surroundings in order to find the right buttons combinations.

With its devious enigmas and its captivating atmosphere, Please, Don't Touch Anything urges anyone who encounter it to reveal each and every secret held by this mysterious panel.

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